When making cornbread is it better to use cornflour or cornmeal?

2014-05-31 1:01 am
Which one is better?

回答 (3)

2014-05-31 2:07 am
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Corn meal can come in different granules, from very fine to course. It is better to use corn meal for cornbread. In some countries cornmeal and cornflour are the same thing. In other countries cornflour is corn starch and would not make a very good corn bread.
2014-05-31 5:49 pm
Corn meal is best.
2014-05-31 5:16 am
For cornbread its better to use cornmeal because, the two have very different textures so you would get very different results.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:43:49
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