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2分鐘英文演講 題目 What can I do to change the world?
Many things there are on my bucket list able to change this world. However, one standing on the top of the list is "make the temporal dimension duplex". That is, in simple English, to make time travel possible and cheap.
A few months ago, my art professor asked us to describe and render a dinosaur and then to argue why I thought it realistic. Imagined not and researched not - I simply brought my Nikon D3x and time traveled back 200 million years to find my favorite T-Rex and the work was done.
Yes, the world is to be changed for sure.
2014-05-30 08:51:43 補充:
2分鐘英文演講 的墓地 在哪裡怎麼找不到啊?
2分鐘是要讓你練發音,颱風,雞本結構 抓住就行了