Do I really have daddy issues?

2014-05-28 9:41 pm
I love my father very much , I had a very close relationship with him. I moved to a different country at age 10. Now I am 15 living with my mother. I am not allowed to date or talk to boys( as in call or text them) since I don't have a phone. I can't go on dates either, or anywhere with a male. Anyways, in school, I crush on guys, then I change guys pretty easily. I have had qlot if crushes, then it just stops, or the guy doesn't like me back. Honestly I hurt a because no one finds me attractive, and some girl told me I have daddy issues because " I change guys daily. "May you please help me?

回答 (7)

2014-05-28 9:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you just haven't met any guys you really click with yet. you are only 15. once you meet a guy that you really click with, you will stay with the same crush. you have plenty of time for love and boys, and in the meantime focus on friends and school.
2014-05-28 9:44 pm
"and some girl told me I have daddy issues "

and what makes her the expert on diagnosing phychological issues? You might just be happier if you stopped listening to stupid **** your 'friend' says about you.
2014-05-28 9:42 pm
no, you do not.
2014-06-03 10:08 am
Got no idea.
2014-05-28 9:59 pm
The only person who can tell if you have issues is yourself. Just because you lose interest in guys quickly doesn't mean you have daddy issues. High school boys really aren't interesting. That girl probably said that to hurt you. Don't let high school girls get in your head.
2014-05-28 9:50 pm
No you don't
They have no idea what they are talking about
usually they say that if you like older guys
before you go all ewwwww when you are older you will find that its normal to like date and even marry an older guy
tell your friends to get a life
2014-05-28 9:43 pm
yes if u keep running to different guys often, u definitely have daddy issues

try being independent instead of depending on men

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