How about I pour tocasco on a frozen dinner; dose it helps with constipation?

2014-05-28 6:55 pm

回答 (4)

2014-05-29 4:11 pm
No, the tabasco hot sauce will also spice your congested bowels when it comes out and the spiciness may ease your bowels a bit to loosen the congestion but will certainly cause some burning effect upon exiting *
2014-05-28 6:58 pm
Yes. The hot sauce combined with the food poisoning from eating uncooked food will result in having a backside like a raging volcano the very next morning. Have fun!
2014-06-05 2:04 pm
Tkanks; I love tv dinners, now I can eat it & not worry about my #2's
I love it. Thanks Again!
2014-05-30 6:12 am
Tabasco would probably help a bit.

Constipation is often due to an unhealthy diet with insufficient fiber.

Most people don't eat enough fiber.

Macro cereal gentle fibre, oat bran, linseed, Psyllium seeds, wheat germ, wheat bran, Chia seeds and Psyllium husks are very high fiber foods and there is also a lot of fiber in fruit and vegetables.

Both constipation and IBS as well as diarrhea can often be cured with liquid chlorophyll as in a web search for "liquid chlorophyll" + constipation + ibs.

Other natural ways to relieve constipation are covered in a web search for "natural ways to relieve constipation".

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