
2014-05-28 5:59 am





回答 (2)

2014-05-28 7:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Tense:-The simple present:-I have,--I go,--He has,--He goes.eg:-The sun rises in the east. Birds fly and fish swim. eg:-Mr. Chen speaks 4 languages.My little brother paints expresses his ability.eg:-The mist will be cleared when the sun rises at 5;30.If I fail again, I shall give up Verbs express The future actions.
Tense:-The present perfect:-I have had,---I have gone,---He has had,-----He has gone,---eg:-Have you ever been late? No never.I have known her for many years. We have been friends since we were in the primary.Therefore,present perfect tense denotes present results of past habits.Note:-ever, never, for, and since are used.She has just finished her honeymoon.She has already closed the door.
---Other tenses:-The present perfect continuous:-I have been having/going----eg:-I have been studying English for 10 years. Contrast with:-I have studied English for 11 years. The former action of studying English began in the past, has extended up to present,may continue in the future. The later one didn't show the future.
----Other tense:-The simple past:-I had,---I went,--,eg:-I bought (past)a Post-Magazine yesterday.I left home early this morning.The actions began and completed in the past without any connection with the present.Similar words and expressions (adverbials of time) include:-last year,once, three weeks ago etc. The past continuous, The past perfect, The simple future, The future perfect.
----In the newspaper,&writing with feelings,the sequence of tenses be used:-eg:-If the verb in the principal clause is in the past, the verb in subordinate clauses be in the past.He told me that an accident had occurred.A general truth:-In adversity,the old woman still held fast her belief that God is just..
Subordinate cl:- shall go home when the sc.bell rings. I know what they feared from the News.
2015-02-08 4:07 am
北角有間教育中心叫卓培教室幾好, 老師又固定又教得好, 老師會因應學生不同既程度去教英文, 可能都幫到你, 你可以打電話60809031查詢

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