English question, please help?

2014-05-26 7:15 pm
What letters need "an" before it in the alphabet?

For example, this is a "A" (or this is an "A")
What other letters need "an" before it?

Thank you very much.

I mean, just by refering to a letter. For example, do you say a 'x' or an 'x' etc.

回答 (4)

2014-05-26 10:38 pm
Kirsten is only half-way there. It's everything that begins with a vowel-SOUND in the alphabet, not just 'vowels' ... So we say "an X" and we say "an F" -- for example -- because these two letter-names begin with the SOUND of a vowel ( ' eks ' and 'eff ' ). See what other ones you can find: "an H" has a truly weird name in English, sounding like 'ay-tch'. So it fits in this same 'vowel-SOUND' category too, because a vowel-SOUND is the first thing there... . Probably there might be more. (But not 'y' which STARTS with a 'w' sound, and 'w' is considered a consonant sound....)
參考: native AmE
2014-05-27 2:33 pm
an a, a bee, a cee, a dee, an ef, a gee, an aitch, an i, a jay, a kay, an el, an em, an en, an o, a pee, a cue, an ar, an ess, a tee, a u, a vee, a double-u, an ex, a zee [or a zed]
2014-05-26 7:17 pm
normally when the noun begins in a vowel.

This is an airplane.
This is a dog.

This is an owl.
This is a sparrow.
2014-05-26 7:16 pm
A vowel. A, e, i, o, u, and y. Everything else, an "a".

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