有關入稟小額錢債 (拖數問題)

2014-05-26 6:53 pm
事件發生係上年6月, 同個客裝修完後, 仲差四萬幾蚊尾數, 話執完手尾之後找,
執好入伙至今都一年, 個客成日拖話返左大陸, 又話病... 打過好多次去都話唔得閒遲啲俾等等....

由於拖得太耐, 加上成日追, 言語上佢都開始唔禮貌
其實只係想解決件事, 收返啲錢
無理由做左野, 拖住人地咁大舊錢 (成張單只講緊12萬到)

1) 本身無一開始無簽署任何文件 (只係口頭承諾)
2) 有單據及開出曾收取之費用, 及代支單記錄
3) 有電郵來往記錄
4) 事隔咁耐仲可以入稟嗎?
5) 入稟程序複雜嗎?


回答 (3)

2014-05-26 11:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案




2014-05-26 23:40:04 補充:
2014-05-27 3:42 am
Your 5 questions can be responded in 3 answers:

1. You don't need to worry about if there is a written contract or not. In your case, as there is more than enough evidence to suggest the renovation has been taken place, such as:

a. Approval from the property management;

b. Any pictures you took before and after the renovation;

c. Invoices for the materials

Seriously - no judge is going to believe that you will work for free in this case. So the court will presume there is a contract.

2. Yes - statute of limitation is 6 years in typical cases.

3. It may, as you need to serve the summon. Also, you may have a lot to give up as the Small Claims Tribunal can handle claims $50,000 or under. You will be forced to give up the rest.

In this case, I have a better suggestion - you should find a lawyer and see if you can file a lien against the property instead of suing the owner(s). Filing a lien is, compare to suing, a relatively easier procedure. It costs less than suing.

Although you won't be able to collect what is owed right away, the lien will effectively stop any transactions on the property without your consent.
2014-05-27 2:58 am

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