F3 升 F4 選科

2014-05-23 6:06 am
我個人中意ICT 但我系校內嘅成績一向麻麻地
我想問下 ICT主要系讀咩?會唔會用翻F1至F3嘅basic野?

回答 (1)

2014-05-23 6:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm studying in F3 either. I think I can help you.
I would suppose you to choose your favourite subjects rather than choosing some subjects which are hateful.
I know that ICT have a booklet that you can rememberize the structure of the computer.
And they may study Pascal,C++ program language.
And soe of the ICTs' may study database.
It depends on what you wanna study.

2014-05-22 22:14:08 補充:
*And some of the ICTs' may study database.
參考: me,which is 一個電腦Pascal programmer

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