All of my videos disappeared in iPhoto?

2014-05-22 2:52 am
I was looking for some old videos on my iPhoto (latest version of everything on my mac)
and i couldn't find any of them and suddenly realized that they were all photos?? Like the first frame of the video is now a photo and all the videos are gone from my library.. Did i do this or is there a way to reverse it??

回答 (1)

2014-05-23 8:46 pm
You must be new to OS X. Both iPhoto and iMovie use specific Folders for the files created by each App. iPhoto uses a Folder called "Pictures", and iMovie uses a Folder called "Movies". So, it sounds like you are looking in the wrong Folder.

Your Movies should be in a Folder called "Movies", if you originally created them using iMovie.

BUT, if you originally created your videos on a Windows PC, iMovie can't even see them, it can only see Quicktime videos, which end in ".mov". Use the free VLC Media Player to play all Media file types from Windows, and OS X:

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:49:13
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