How do I join the Illuminati and sell my soul to Satan?

2014-05-20 11:14 pm

回答 (9)

2014-05-20 11:17 pm
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Go to the train station at 2 am, bring a turnip, frog, and vile of blood from bat. million dollars.
2014-05-20 11:18 pm
An organization with that name has not existed for hundreds of years,
since the one in Bavaria shut down.

it's the 21st century and most people have stopped believing in devils.

You need to get yourself up to date.
2014-05-20 11:18 pm
Selling your soul for money gets side effects with it.
Like look at what happened to Miley.
2014-05-20 11:17 pm
thats like saying...............I am mentally distrubed and I wish to locate the nearest cliff and jump off.
2014-05-20 11:50 pm
The illuminati ceased to exist in 1782. Your about 230 years too late. Sorry.
參考: Wikipedia.
2014-05-20 11:28 pm
are you really asking for a truthful answer?

learn the secret societies hand shake. its learning how to stop having self sex. you know - you have to know the clubs or tents wondering info.

1. for self sex you need to have a her-mit's mind.
2. time your sex with out losing your seed to the sun and moon. (women will stop having their monthly cycle) (a monthly cycle is just a failure at having a baby.)
3. when your about to have a release STOP and suck up thru your tailbone are hard as you can. this is called opening the 1st charka.
4. then learn how to meditate during the day.
5. when your ready to have sex with the so called female goddess. i'll tell you 3 days of the month. and guide you to the safest path for meditating to watch a small gray cloud appear before you. when what looks like a female arises from the cloud. you'll have a sex with the so called female goddess and will not have a seed loss. your her-met-ic-lee-sealed.

the snake charmer trick.
one eyed monster myths.

well, you did ask and i did answer the truth behind the mystery

ask and i will answer.
2014-05-20 11:27 pm
how about you give your mind soul and spirit to the lord your god jesus christ that actually loves you satan hates you he wants to kill you he dont love you
2014-05-20 11:26 pm
Dude, you can't sell your soul to satan you must dedicate it.. and it can be for money you must love him,and want to get to know him. Satan has nothing to do with the illuminati, plus the illuminati hasn't exist for about 200 year's. In Hollywood, there's probably some boot leg illuminati,or some other secret society.
2014-05-20 11:18 pm
Just pick up the phone and dial 1-800-IAM -DUMB
2014-05-20 11:17 pm
This is a tough one.

Step One: invent something called the Illuminati. The real Illuminati existed as a social group about 200 years ago

Step Two (even harder): invent someone called Satan.

Step Three (easy, once you get past Step Two): sell your soul. Make sure you read the contract though, Satan is known to be tricky.

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