bumper bender?

2014-05-20 10:37 pm
ok, this is stupid. I just went to gas station to fill up my tank and I had to back up my car a bit to enter the lane. my car bumped into the car behind me, ok, I was sleep and wasn't sure what I was thinking, I moved my car aside to inspect the back of my car. nothing.

Then the lady came to me and say: " why you moved, blah blah, blah" then I inspect her car, and I saw a huge scratch on the right front bumper. Her car is gray and mine is golden, there is no golden paint on the scratch, and there is nothing on my car. And the angle is all wrong, there is no way I could hit her at that spot. She wasn't sure if it's a new or old scratch, she has to go home to ask her husband.

Here is what I think happened, my car back hit her front license plate protector, so there is no damage.

Do you think she has a case? there was no witness. thanks

thanks for replying. I was asking if she can claim me for the old damage on her car? other than that, there is no damage, so there is nothing to claim.


no police report or anything. In my province, damage under 1000 don't require to report to police. we took photos, there was no new damage on my car and no damage on hers except a scratch on the side of her bumper which is quite impossible to hold me responsible (the angle is all wrong, the force is wrong, no paints on both cars). She said she would call me last night or this morning, and she didn't. we agreed both won't report it until we talk on the phone.


I will just drop it if I don't hear her tonight, reporting the case won['t do us any good, (she has an old damage)

回答 (2)

2014-05-21 2:11 pm
Hey Lucy, I do not necessarily agree. It sounds like the damages are pretty minimal and most people would pay this out of pocket.

Was there a police report?

Not sure about the laws in your state, but you might be able to subpoena the video from the parking lot to show the point of collision. Unless you know what you are doing though, this could cost more than all of the repairs.
2014-05-21 1:50 am
You need to call YOUR insurance company and file a claim,,,,,,,,,period.

Your insurance company will determine what damages you caused, or if any of it is old damages, since they know, from guess what, experience.

Witness, she was there? Yes, she can claim, are you an idiot, you backed into her, the question is, how much is owed from your backing into a PARKED car.
參考: former auto adjuster

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