How long did it take for you to get a positive pregnancy test?

2014-05-20 7:25 pm
I am a week late but still getting negative tests.
I'm 99.9% sure I ovulated as been charting and using opk
I have never been this late or just not had a period.
Really want this to be our month after suffering a mc last year
Thanks :-)

回答 (2)

2014-05-20 8:59 pm
The same week I missed my period with both pregnancies. I cramped a bit more painfully, so I waited a few days to test and when there was no blood, I tested. I was around 5&1/2 weeks each time.
參考: 31 wks
2014-05-20 7:40 pm
I always got positives with all four of my pregnancies before expected period. I am currently on my fourth pregnancy (third child), and i found out seven days before my period. I got positives on dollar tree tests but got negatives on the expensive digital early predictor test.
You may know when you ovulated, but also remember implantation happens 6-12 days. So if it happened day 12, you wont experience a positive that much longer.
參考: 18 weeks with #3

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