POLL: How do you flirt ?(:?

2014-05-20 1:09 am

回答 (28)

2014-05-20 3:32 am
I'm usually pretty bad at flirting but when I do flirt I usually flip my hair or add a wink face if it's online ;)
2014-05-20 1:16 am
Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
2014-05-20 1:12 am
A warm smile, slight touch, a little push on the shoulder and a small laugh
2014-05-20 1:15 am
i don't, at least not on purpose.
2014-05-20 1:11 am
by ignoring them
2014-05-20 1:10 am
being funny?
2014-05-20 1:09 am
like this
2014-05-27 2:21 pm
being funny?
2014-05-27 12:52 am
by ignoring them
2014-05-26 10:28 pm
warm smile
2014-05-26 11:58 am
being funny?
2014-05-26 3:13 am
by ignoring them
2014-05-25 3:37 am
being funny?
2014-05-23 12:10 am
warm smile
2014-05-21 8:44 pm
I don't think you have to have flirting as an intention,
If you like someone your natural self is pretty equipped to seem "flirty" enough without trying.
2014-05-21 7:42 am
by poking hiz eye
2014-05-21 4:08 am
It's not really a way to teach some one this. It's mainly a lot a smiling, jokes, and personally I like to tease the guy a little it keeps him on his toes.
2014-05-20 11:24 am
warm smile
2014-05-20 7:49 am
Don't know. I couldn't. Because this will hurts.
2014-05-20 2:21 am
Lick em where it counts
2014-05-20 2:14 am
Smile and stare.
2014-05-20 1:37 am
Smile ask few questions dk I'm usually shy
2014-05-20 1:29 am
"That was a good question Mary"

Like that.

2014-05-20 1:25 am
2014-05-20 1:14 am
i dont flirt, i just get down to it. and sometimes i get rejected with a slap
2014-05-20 1:14 am
Terribly because nobody flirts back...
2014-05-20 1:11 am
You be easy going with a sense of "hey I like you"
2014-05-20 1:11 am
I don't. I'm just really nice to them.

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