Can you take a course for the next grade level between grades?

2014-05-19 11:09 pm
I want to take a course on FLVS during the summer. I am in 10th grade and the course requires me to be in 11th grade. I would have "finished" 10th grade by the date I've put as my earliest preferred start date, so can I take this course?

My course request summary still states that I am in 10th grade, so I am a bit worried.

I have asked my school counselor but I don't know if my request summary saying I'm in 10th grade will prevent me from doing it...


I also cannot add any notes to the admin person on FLVS with my request


Is FLVS's approval required or just my counselor's?

回答 (1)

2014-05-19 11:10 pm
i did this EVERY YEAR in HS. i don't know how your school administration would react. I think if you point out that you WILL HAVE COMPLETED 10th grade before you start this course in the summer, they will allow it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 00:10:24
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