
2014-05-20 7:16 am

回答 (5)

2014-05-21 5:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Our customers are only required to bring the redemption letter to our shops to exchange for their gifts. If they cannot provide the letter,they have to fill in and sign the required application form to identify themselves. Then our staff will only check their identity cards without photostat. However it may violate the law of privacy of our customers if we found that our staff have attached the photo copies of their identity cards to the application forms by our audits.
2014-05-25 1:44 am

翻譯英文: In redeeming gifts, customers only have to bring the redemption coupons to the shop to collect them. In case a customer does not have a redemption coupon, they only have to fill in a "collection slip" with signature for confirmation. A staff member only has to verify the customer's identity against their identity card and not to make a photocopy of it. It has been found in auditing that a staff member has stapled a photocopy of the customer's identity card against the collection slip. This may have constituted an violation against the privacy of the customer.

2014-05-24 1:44 am

Guests To redeem gift redemption letter only bring redemption to the shop, as the guests did not bring redemption letter, just to fill in "replacement Slip" and signature to confirm colleagues simply checking identity cards without the need for guests photocopying, at the time of audit colleagues found a photocopy of the identity card and the guests on the replacement back of the nail, so that guests may violate privacy
2014-05-22 1:11 am
Guests To redeem gift redemption letter only bring redemption to the shop, as the guests did not bring redemption letter, just to fill "Replacement Slip" and signature to confirm colleagues simply checking identity cards without the need for guests photocopying, at the time of audit colleagues found a photocopy of the identity card and the guests on the replacement back of the nail, so that guests may violate privacy
2014-05-20 5:49 pm
According to our practice, it is necessary for our customers to show the authorized letter so as to get their gifts; otherwise, they have to fill and sign in their applications for identification and then our staff will simply check against their identity cards without photostat. Whereas it is a matter against the privacy if we found that our staff did attach their copied identity cards to that applications.
參考: Partly according to ” The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation ” published by Hong Kong Oxford University Press in 1975

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 22:26:02
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