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W.C. 是 Water closet 的縮寫
W.C. 不是 "不文雅" 的叫法
Water closet ~ (old-fashioned) toilet = 廁所, 舊的叫法
Water closet 和 W.C. are used less and less these days.
loo (British), john (US) ~ informal English
khazi, kharzy, karzy (British) ~ old-fashioned, slang
bog (British) - 【英俚】廁所 ~ 不文雅的叫法
美國用 restroom, washroom, ladies' room, men's room (不是 man's room) 是 toilet in a public place
英國用 the ladies, the gents, public convenience (formal)
lavatory (formal) - a toilet in a public building/plane
bathroom - a room with a toilet in it, in someone's house 【美】衞生間﹐廁所
latrine - 戶外廁所 (營地或軍營)
2014-05-22 01:48:01 補充:
To Wong Choi Yan:
Taste is too individual to be standardized.
The choice of word normally depends on what is judged to be socialogical level, age, etc. of the person adressed
Water closet 現時很少人講, WC 還有