ancient egypt is Afro-asiatic civilization ?

2014-05-17 1:30 pm
ancient egypt was never black niggro bantu civilization . egypt is Afro asiatic civilization . many black African american claim egypt as their achievement when this is outright lie . egypt is Afro-Asiatic land inhabitted by Afro-Asiatic people which were totally different ethnic group from the nigro bantu people who inhabitt the sub sahran Africa . Arabs have more of claim to ancient egypt than the nigro bantu black people of sub saharan Africa becuase Arabs are from Afro-Asiatic group arabic language is afro asiatic language

so why do black African american people claim egypt as theirs when it isn't their civilization ?? Ancient egypt has absoulotly nothing to do with African nigro people of sub-saharan Africa this is historic-lnguestic-anthropological fact

Bill this isn't my word . this is seince

回答 (3)

2014-05-24 8:45 am
The term Afroasiatic Urheimat refers to the 'hypothetical' place where Proto-Afroasiatic speakers lived in a single linguistic community, or complex of communities, before this original language dispersed geographically and divided into distinct languages. Afroasiatic languages are spoken today in many parts of Africa and western Asia (Urheimat means "original homeland" in German).

The contemporary Afroasiatic languages are spread in the Near East, North Africa, the Sahara/Sahel and the Horn of Africa. The various hypotheses for the Afroasiatic Urheimat are distributed throughout this territory;[1][2][3][4] i.e. it is generally assumed that Proto-Afroasiatic was spoken in some region where Afroasiatic languages are still spoken today, but there is no consensus as to which part of the contemporary Afroasiatic areal corresponds to the original homeland.

according to Bernal, greatly strengthens the hypothesis that in Greece an Indo-European–speaking population was culturally dominated by Ancient Egyptian and West Semitic speakers
2014-05-17 3:15 pm
Because they don't really have any history. The only great ancient civilizations north of the Sahara were Egypt and Carthage. It boosts their ego to claim the ancient Egyptians.

Also they claim all kinds of civilizations had black roots. Jews, Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians, even Scots and Vikings lol.

We're lucky that most historians and archaeologists know better than to accept this bullshit.
2014-05-17 1:37 pm
And we're supposed to believe the word of an anonymous person who can't spell or use capital letters?

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