
2014-05-17 5:17 am
題目:regular meetings and discussions are the best way to increase communication within a group 要同意,要生活上,吾要工作上 200words

題目:Students nowadays are spending too much time online and playing video games. This is affecting their ability to communicate with others 30words

回答 (2)

2014-05-26 9:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
題目:Students nowadays are spending too much time online and playing video games. This is affecting their ability to communicate with others

Students nowadays are spending too much time online and playing video games.In fact,they are only just watching online and playing video games over eight hours. They cannot stop not doing so because they are attracted by the online games. This is a very bad habit because it affects their ability to communicate with others. They have no enough energy and time to communicate with others any more because most of their time is spent on playing games. Actually they can communicate with others by telephone,and joining public meetings and activities.

2014-05-26 18:54:00 補充:
The above essay can only for reference.
2014-05-18 5:01 am
題目:Students nowadays are spending too much time online and playing video games. This is affecting their ability to communicate with others 30words

Nowadays, students even though sitting next to each other, they use their phone to chat and connect with each other. Moreover, students nowadays always play video games at home.As a result, they are spending much and much time online and playing video games which is affecting their ability to communicate with others.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 22:21:31
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