I am pregnant and I am thinking about abortion. Is it the right thing to do right now?

2014-05-15 10:41 pm
I am in a very stressful situation right now. I am working about 40 hours a week or more just to keep surviving mainly because my roomie doesn't have a job. I am also going to school 5 hours a day. I am 20 almost 21 which is the exact age that my mom got pregnant with me. My boyfriend and I have been together since October 2013. We are absolutley so in love and he is super depressed that we have to do this to it. I have never been on birth control however we use protection most of the time. He says that he is not ready to be a dad and I know that I am not ready to be a mom because we are not in any financial or emotional state to bring another human being into the world. My boyfriend says that he will pay for the termination if need be and I feel so guilty because it's my child. And I know I cannot tell my mom EVER because she is super Catholic and probably will disown me. I am really scared what should I do?

回答 (12)

2014-05-15 10:44 pm
So killing a innocent child is somehow justified? you played the game (sex) and got caught . If you cannot support the child then give it up for adoption Don't just discard it like it has no value. How incredibly selfish is it to kill a child just because this child does not fit in to your life at the current time. This unborn child has every right to life
2014-05-16 12:06 am
I was in your situation once and I have the added perspective of a few years. I am 31 so please listen to me and then decide to take my advice or leave it but please hear me out. You can't have everything that you want but you can have what you want most. On your death bed will you want to be surround by money and degrees of by family and people who love you? Having an abortion will cause the relationship with your boyfriend of 8 months to end. You aren't going to have this baby tomorrow you have time to get ready. You do not have to kill your baby. If you do not want to have an abortion and do not want to keep the baby there is a way around this. I am married to a man whose 16 year old mother selflessly gave him up for adoption. If she had aborted him I would not have my husband and children today. The moment that you start making decisions that impact other peoples life not caring what happens to them is the moment you make the wrong decision. Whether you decide to keep the baby or not your baby deserves life just as much as you do. The best decision you can make right now if to make a decision to put off all decisions regarding this pregnancy off till after finals. Be at peace with knowing that you don't know what you are going to do yet and make a plan to plan once school lets out for the semester. I chose to keep my baby, this decision has impacted my entire life. Here is my story, for a number of reasons I was 23 when I got my associates and I decided to join the military as a way to pay for college. I got pregnant when I was 24 and gave birth at age 25. My baby's father was a good man and we were engaged so we got married. When I was 26 I lost my second child to miscarriage. There is nothing in the world more devastating than the loss of your own child. In that moment your whole life becomes clear and you know everything that you have ever wanted and what you want the most. I would give anything in the world to have my baby back. Living with that kind of loss is very difficult. I still feel great sadness every day. This is why I am pleading with to know what matters in your life the most before it is too late and you lose it all. I then went on to have two more kids before I got out of the military. I had already applied to college when I found out I was pregnant with the third. I was 29. This never was the way I planned out my life. I wanted my degree I have worked so hard for it and I am almost there. I even added on a second major. Living the dream isn't about having an easy life it is about having a meaningful life overcoming obstacles as they happen. I scrimp and I save and I know that you can too. My first move was to move away from where I was at where the rent was $1,375 a month to where it is as low as $385.00 a month. If you have time left to transfer I suggest transferring colleges to help you make it. Cut costs every way you can. you have nine months to plan. The best move I made was dropping out of school for 6 months after giving birth to my third child. Don't set yourself up for failure but it is okay to take longer to reach your goal than you had planned on. The moment you walk out of that clinic after your abortion you will not be able to live with the choice that you have made but you will have to live with it so make the right choice choose life. at least with adoption you can know your baby as an adult. It is better to have a broken heart because you put your baby up for adoption and miss your child than it is to have a broken heart because you put your only first child to death. Have compassion on your child and your boyfriend and have faith in God he has a way of working theses things out.
2014-05-15 10:52 pm
I would recommend having the baby then Giving it up for adoption. That way, the baby will get adopted into a loving family who may not be able to have kids. over 6 million couples Cannot have children naturally because of infertility. So why not give a child a chance at a good life.
2014-05-15 11:01 pm
Whatever you do- DO NOT GET AN ABORTION.
It is not the baby's fault that you didn't use protection.
Don't kill a little life that is growing inside of you at the moment!
You think you have a stressful situation?? I had a even worse one!
I was 15 years old when I had a kid! Lived with my mom with no support! She was not going to deal with me "ruining my life" by bringing a child..she wanted me to abort. Never had it crossed my mind to basically murder your own child. I couldn't even think about hurting something that is actually mine! Someone who will inherit this world and become maybe a doctor in life! You should never ever EVER abort your baby. I honestly feel like if you do not want this baby just have it and give it up for adoption. There's families out there literally crying their eyes out to have a baby while you want to kill yours for no good reason. I promise you that once you get into your pregnancy, you will start to change your mind. It is YOUR child.. those little kicks you'll get.. when you get into labor.. it's the best damn feeling the world. Here I am 21 years old and I love my kids. Make the right choice. Have the beautiful blessing.
參考: Mother of two :)
2014-05-16 12:16 am
May God bless you in this difficult time.

When I was 18, my ex-girlfriend became pregnant and the father was not supportive. It was very difficult and extremely emotional. But I stuck by her in choosing life. I went with her to hear the baby's heart beat--so early in the pregnancy. I was amazed by how quickly and how strong the mother-child bond formed. So I went to all her appointments. And was there when we saw the tiny fingers inthe ultrasound. It was amazing. I was with her when selecting parents for an open adoption. I was there for the birth. Truly a miracle. Unlike any other experience in life.

I can't even begin to describe the swirl of emotions when Christian was born that October afternoon. But it was overwhelmingly happiness--knowing that we didn't give in to the pressures to abort ... that we gave this child the gift of life ... that the adoptive parents--who couldn't have children of their own--were so overjoyed to be starting their family.

There were rules for the open adoption, but my ex was able to see Christian periodically and was so glad to see him being so loved by his adoptive parents. She was able to finish school and eventually got married and started a family of her own. But that love for the child--it's always there... always a source of happiness.

I know how it feels to be scared like this. But please trust me--you will not regret giving this child life. You will almost certainly regret choosing to end the child's life. You'll always wonder who they might have grown up to be. You deserve better than having to live through that. And your boyfriend needs to realize that he needs to take responsibility for his share in this. If he loves you, he'll listen to your doubts about having an abortion and support you. If your parents are anything like mine, you will be amazed how supportive they are. Your mother loves you.

If you have any questions or want to talk... Click on my profile and send me an email. It's been a while for me, but I can help connect you with resources. In fact, there is so much more support now if you find yourself preferring to raise your child. The what-ifs might seem overwhelming now... but, trust me, with support you can get through this!

May the peace of Christ be with you.
2014-05-15 10:45 pm
Have the abortion. Be practical about it. You may be in love, but you're not married and you're not making enough money to have a child. How cruel is it to bring a child into the world when you don't make enough money to care for one?

Using protection "most" of the time leads to pregnancy. I hope you will learn from this and get on birth control that will work for you. Visit a clinic and find out what you can do.

You're old enough to do things without telling your mother. For all you know, she may have once had an abortion without telling you.

Oh, and why are you carrying your roommate financially? Tell your roommate to get any job at all, or to move out so you can bring in someone who can help pay the bills.

After this, always use condoms or birth control.
2014-05-15 11:49 pm
Murdering your own child is NEVER the right thing to do. Unborn children whether wanted or not have a right to life. Don't do it!!! Women who have abortions should be sterilized so that thy can never do this to another child. They do not deserve to be mothers. God bless

In Christ
Fr. Joseph
2014-05-15 10:50 pm
I'm sorry that you've found yourself with this decision. It's not an easy one to make. Considering where you are in your life, bringing this child into the picture would certainly make your life incredibly difficult, to be brief. Having an abortion is understandable in this situation. Once you make your decision, though, do yourself a favor and get on birth control. Seriously, that is a healthy choice you can and should make, and there is no shame in being on birth control.
Most importantly, don't be scared. There are good people who are out there to help you and answer your questions about this. Trust them and forgive yourself.
2014-05-16 4:45 pm
Did you know that shedding innocent blood is an abomination to God?

Proverbs 6:16
16 These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
17 A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
18 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
19 A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.

Murdering your child is an abomination to God!
2014-05-15 11:10 pm
looks like if the both of you are on board with an abortion then I dont see what the issue is? You are an adult, you dont need mommy's permission

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