Iphone5S 電話,上網一問!!

2014-05-15 11:32 pm

p.s 部IPHONE5S係我買俾我FD 而佢係大陸讀緊書, 如果佢係用香港買既IPHONE同埋係用大陸既台上網同打電話,個台又支援到4G,咁係咪冇問題同work架??


回答 (2)

2014-05-16 10:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2014-05-16 1:56 am
I don't think my idea is true but you do my idea first, after you did it, you ask the people who know the phone 知識.

First, check you bought the SIM card is it can use 4G. Then, try to use 5s to share the wifi to your phone.(If you know how to do the wifi name)At last, you give him/her is ok.
參考: me

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