中文翻譯英文 急

2014-05-15 9:16 pm
封 email 係發俾供應商; 內容如下:

你們可否幫我們客人設計包裝盒及 標籤 (LABEL), 出貨同時要貼上:標籤 LABEL ,

回答 (1)

2014-05-15 9:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear XXX, (對方名字,如不知道,就寫 Sir / Madam)

I would like to know if you could provide design services to our clients for the following items:

1. Package box
2. Label

(It is required that the package boxes are sticked with the labels when they are ready for shipping.)

We shall be grateful if you could inform us the price you would charge for the service mentioned. Please feel free to contact us for any further enquiries. Thank you so much.

Kind regards,

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