人事擔保信, 僱主繼續聘用的確認信及公司擔保信

2014-05-14 8:13 pm
請問有無專業人士幫忙 ,因朋友要上高院打保釋,需要代他打人事擔保信, 僱主繼續聘用的確認信及公司擔保信 ,最好是英文樣本,由於是交給法官,希望是比較正規的,因找律師代打很貴,唯有自己來,有無高人可幫忙萬分感謝。

回答 (2)

2014-05-15 1:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
人事擔保信==Personal guaranty
To whom it may concern,
This is to certify that Mr. xxxxx has been a friend of mine for xxx years and I will be responsible for his financial needs whatsoever and also serving as his guarantor or sponsor.
Yours faifully,
Address & Phone:
僱主確認繼續聘用信==Employer's guaranty
To Whom it may concern,
This is to certify that Mr. xxxx has been employed as xxxxxx (position) by xxxxxCompany for over xxxxyears. As far as working ability being concerned, certainly he will be employed in our company continually.
Yours faifully,
Address & Phone:
公司擔保信==Company's guaranty
Same as Employer's guaranty by adding: As far as the personal character being concerned, he is optimistic, diligent, considerate,accountable, honest, obedient and sympathetic.
參考: Partly according to ” The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation ” published by Oxford University Press in 1975
2014-05-14 9:16 pm
There is no such thing as formal.

In this case, making it personal is the key. In a lot of times, judges actually hate form letters.

So you don't have to concern the format, grammar, etc., but simply a letter that present what you need to present.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 20:09:40
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