
2014-05-14 10:12 am
i am going to hotel 同
i am going to the hotel
其實有咩分別 加個the 其實有咩作用
i go to school 同
i am go to school 個am 有咩用同分別?

感激 thank you

回答 (3)

2014-05-19 12:16 am
1.I am going to the hotel就係指明某間hotel,the係指某樣野eg:I am going to the hotel that near the cafe指明間hotel係cafe隔離。

2.其實I am go to school係不成立既句子,應係I am going to school,另外,I go to school係現在式,而I am going to school係現在進行式(即你而加係到返緊學),am going to,is going to,are going to都係現在進行式,所以現在式(I go to school)可以唔係而加做緊既野eg:I go to school everyday,但現在進行式就係你而加做緊既野。
參考: Me
2014-05-14 6:04 pm
(1) We need an article before noun in academic writing.
So, i am going to the hotel is academic writing. But the meanings are same.
(2) I go to school is present tense. It means it is a habit or fact.
I am going to school is present continuous tense. It means you are taking this action --- going to school.
2014-05-14 5:58 pm
I am going to hotel. 係我依家去咁酒店。 #2 係我依家去咁指定噶酒店. The English ~You can't say : I am go to school.

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