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Extroverts aren't extroverted simply because they find themselves among people of similar interests all of the time, and introverts aren't introverted simply for the idea that they don't want to talk to people.
An introvert is someone who likes people just fine, but gets overwhelmed if out in a highly stimulating environment and must have some time to decompress, usually alone. An introvert is someone who typically prefers interactions with small groups of people over large ones. Introverts make sense of the world around them by interacting with the world and ideas internally.
An extrovert is someone who gets more invigorated by being with other people and does not need to decompress in the same way or extent. So an extrovert is likely to reach out,and even to people who don't have a lot of common ground if there aren't other options, because interacting and stimulation is how they sort of get "fed" socially speaking. The conversation is not as much about what's being said but rather for the conversation itself. Extroverts process things externally and get more out of bouncing things off of people.
Now about you specifically- you might be taking the test based on two very different scenarios. We all have one personality around people we know or in situations we know and another in unknown situations, for example. If I took the test relative to how I behave among friends and family, I would certainly not be an INTJ, not at least a very "pure" one if there is such a thing.
So you need to consider from which contexts you base your answers. I think it's more accurate to forget about specific interactions with friends and consider the broad trends. I am going crazy right this second because I really wish there was someone around to hang out with right now, but generally speaking and in a perfect world, I would be very content with having the day to myself. Having the week to myself even. So although it is true that I could answer truthfully I want very much to go out into the world today and would prefer it, to answer with that response would give the test a very particular set of data points.