"Howdy" 之 用法

2014-05-14 3:05 am


HOWDY E 戈字可唔可以就咁一隻字用?


回答 (3)

2014-05-14 3:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes,you can.

Howdy is an informal greeting, commonly thought to have originated as a shortened form of the greeting "How do you do?" It was first recorded as part of the Southern U.S. dialect in 1840.[1] Literature from that period includes the use of "How-do, how-do" as a greeting used by Native Americans when addressing Anglo settlers in greeting. The double form of the idiom is still found in parts of Texas as "Howdy, howdy". Without regard to etymological beginnings, the word is used as a greeting such as "Hello" and not, normally, as an enquiry.

2014-05-13 20:01:56 補充:
Used to say hello in an informal, usually humorous way 【美】你好!〔一般為幽默用法的非正式招呼語〕
2014-05-17 8:34 pm
2014-05-14 6:10 am

唔適合用「E 戈字」呢d語文~

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