(Q) GCE enter U (hk)

2014-05-13 10:26 am
Hi! My name is Christy! I am studying AS level in UK now. My subjects are geography, business and mathematics. I will have two geography exams (Edexcel) and three mathematics(OCR) exams in this summer. But I don't know what grades (A, B?) I must need to get if I want to study in the university which is located in Hong Kong such as CU, City U and HKU. It is because I want to study in the top university in HK. Also, is that I don't have any chances if I only get B grades in some of my subjects? Is I need to get all A in all subjects? It is because I am HK people although I use the results of gce to apply university. Moreover, I don't know how can I apply universities as I want to enter the university which is located in HK, not UK. Please help me, it is very important for my future! Thank you!!! :) :) :)

I look forward to achieving your help! Thanks! :D

Best Regards,

回答 (1)

2014-05-13 1:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) I don't know what grades (A, B?) I must need to get if I want to study in the university which is located in Hong Kong

>> 你係英國考咩exam board 同你入hk 既大學係冇咩關係既, 雖然唔同既exam board 可能佢地既難度有少少唔同, 但係hk 既大學都係睇你既grade 而作決定. 而亦唔知你想讀咩科, 所以好難話到俾你聽要有咩grade 先可以, ideally, 如果你係想入一d top 既科, 如joint honour, global business, law, medics 等, 最好有full a*/a 以上, 而ielts 亦最少有7分以上 (全7, 而唔係average 7). 如果你之前係英國有讀GCSE 的話, 咁straight a*/a 亦係比較prefer. 當然, 入大學仲要睇你既personal statement, 如有work experience 會更好.

>> 而如果你唔係aim 一d popular 既科, 普通既, 如language, history, geog, business 等, 咁有b 亦冇問題, 當然, 你亦要expect 既係, 如果你apply geog 的話, 咁你既geog 亦要考得比較好咁先有機會. offer 年年唔同, 但如果on average, 你既gce 係冇偏向a/a* 的話 (如aaa, aab等), 咁想有interview 既機會亦應該唔難, 但要記住, 有好成績只係interview 既入場券, 唔代表學校一定收你, 因為at the end, 係睇你既表現, 而唔係solely on 成績.

2) Also, is that I don't have any chances if I only get B grades in some of my subjects?


3) Is I need to get all A in all subjects?

>> 見上, 唔一定要全a, 要睇你係讀咩科同咩大學. top大學亦一樣, 仲要睇你既application, 成績唔代表一切.

4) 你而家as 都未考, 唔駛急住, 今年9月果時上大學個non jupas 度睇, 就會有application form 可以開始apply了.

p.s spot 到你既英文grammar 問題, 建議早少少準備ielts, 如果唔係對你寫personal statement 同埋interview 黎講可以會有少少問題. (大學對ielts 亦有要求, 如果你meet 到grade 但ielts 到唔到佢個要求, 亦會唔收).

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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