
2014-05-12 7:20 pm

"因公司之前錯誤存款, 請請貴 司將$75000.00存入以下戶口"


回答 (4)

2014-05-13 7:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
With regards to an error in the deposit of your/our (第一句嘅「公司」係指「佢 your」定「你 our」嘅公司?) company, please kindly make a deposit of $75,000.00 to the following account:
2014-05-13 4:42 am
Because the error deposit to your bank account previously, we would like to request your company to refund the $75,000 into the following bank account.

Thank you for your attention.
2014-05-13 4:27 am
Due to errors before deposit, please deposit your $75000.00 the following account 參考資料︰http://www.bing.com/translator/ (Bing翻譯)自己[hope I can help you(希望幫到你),其他回答者請勿抄襲,其他回答者請勿參考或「抄考」,發問者請勿移除問題,其他網友請勿檢舉本答案]
2014-05-13 3:22 am
Prior to the company due to an error deposit, please deposit your company will be $ 75,000.00 the following account

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 22:17:32
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