Debating Society

2014-05-12 6:19 am
Ks I am interested in debate(both Chinese and English )
I want to join some debating society :D
But I am just interested in debating
I want to attend some debating society which is suitable for me to learn the skills in
Does anyone have suggestion for amydebating society in Hong Kong?
I am a secondary 2 student:)


回答 (1)

2014-05-21 7:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I suggest you to ask your teachers who teach English or Chinese any debating clubs in your school or in Hong Kong.
As far as I know,there are debate competitions among secondary schools.
However usually secondary 4 students will represent your school.
If you want the debate skills,you can ask your teachers whether you can join this debating club.

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