
2014-05-12 5:26 am

1.m1同m2 有咩分別?

2.我想讀醫,咁需5需要讀m2 ?

3.m2 學咩?

4.讀m2 有咩好?

p.s 我簡左phy chem bio , 讀m2 會唔會有幫助?

回答 (3)

2014-05-12 7:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.M1(微積分與統計) M2( 代數與微積分) M2難D
2.讀醫吾洗m1/m2 主要都係讀science
除非你想讀科大 吾係冇乜大學睇m1/m2
4.讀科大 讀m1/m2 收機會大D

如果你簡左phy chem bio,其實都冇咩幫助
同埋讀phy chem bio 已經辛苦讀埋m2你都係等drop
而且m2真係好難讀 我有fd math平均分80幾分讀M2之後都係drop左
你想讀醫其實phy chem bio 都夠架喇
參考: 自己
2014-05-15 2:53 am
1. M2: Calculus + Algebra
M1: Calculus + Statistics
2. In fact doctor doesn't need mathematics, I think.
3. Differentiation, Integration (with Triginometric functions), Matrix and Vector
4. It's more complicated than M1.
But if you have studied physics, it would be quite good to have M2, but if you are choosing doctor as your career, then you needn't study the extended units.
參考: Myself
2014-05-12 7:13 am
其實我都5係幾知 我讀 m2
1. m1 calculus 5 洗trigonometry, 5 洗學matrix +vector

2 5知

3. m2:trigonometry calcules + trigonometry + binomal+ MI+matries+
system of linear equation+ vector
4. m2難d, 有挑戰性,(威d)

5.m2 會有phy野,考試無也幫助

2014-05-11 23:14:52 補充:
3. matries 改返matrices
5. 也改返乜
參考: me

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