
2014-05-11 8:02 pm
I find it extremely disappointing that there are people in Hong Kong who choose to sacrifice the city's international reputation by expressing their disapproval against mainland visitors. We are lucky to be part of a society where there is freedom of speech. Unfortunately, we abuse these rights with our intolerance.

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2014-05-12 1:24 am
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不好意思呀,以上同學用 Google Translate 直接翻譯的語句不是太通順,所以以下我直接譯一次,請勿見怪。

I find it extremely disappointing that there are people in Hong Kong who choose to sacrifice the city's international reputation by expressing their disapproval against mainland visitors. We are lucky to be part of a society where there is freedom of speech. Unfortunately, we abuse these rights with our intolerance.


extreme (adj) 極度的
extremely (adv) 極度地
disappointing (adj) 令人失望的
sacrifice (v) 犠性
international (adj) 國際性的
reputation (n) 聲譽
disapproval (n) 不贊成、反對
freedom of speech 言論自由
abuse (v) 濫用
right (n) 權利
intolerance (n) 不寛容、偏狹


原文是 people in Hong Kong,沒有說是香港人(local citizens),但意思上是這個,所以我這樣子譯了。
2014-05-12 7:03 pm
I find it extremely disappointing that there are people in Hong Kong who choose to sacrifice the city's international reputation by expressing their disapproval against mainland visitors. We are lucky to be part of a society where there is freedom of speech. Unfortunately, we abuse these rights with our intolerance.
本人對部份香港居民藉著表示對內地旅遊客反感,而將香港作為國際城市的美譽置之不理極為失望. 我們有幸能夠置身在這個擁有言論自由的社會,但是不幸地被那些人濫用這種權利;那是我們不能容忍的。
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation” published by Hong Kong Oxford University Press in 1975
2014-05-11 8:19 pm

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