English Grammar

2014-05-11 7:44 pm
Hongkongers are very eager for universal suffrage and "true" freedom of speech. But given our attitude towards those with unpopular opinions, it seems we're not ready for it.


回答 (3)

2014-05-12 4:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Given 在這句子作 preposition, 不是 past participle of ‘give".
Given = taking something into account, 類似 Considering

Giving the circumstances, you have done very well.
Given his age, he’s a remarkable runner.

Those在這句子作pronoun, those 是 that 的 plural, 意思是指人們, 使用代名詞 those代替.

我想發問者: trees 知道這句子怎樣意思, 疑問是”為何要用 given及 those?”

2014-05-11 22:45:59 補充:
given 是 derived from the verb "give", 是 past participle
通常使用在 perfect tense, passive voice 或 past participial phrase
given 還可作 adjective,
但上述發問者的句子不是通常用的 past participle
字典分開地列出 given 是 preposition, 不是 past participle 通常用法

2014-05-12 01:05:12 補充:
"those" (in writing) can mean "the people".
David admires those who succeed.
= David admires the people who succeed.

God helps those who help themselves.
參考: Cambridge English Dictionary
2014-05-12 2:11 am
Hongkongers are very eager for universal suffrage and "true" freedom of speech. However, our attitude towards those with unpopular opinions, it seems we're not ready for it.
2014-05-12 1:34 am
given 就是已知一些資料的意思~

這個配合數學題的條件概率, given that A, the probability of B is Pr(B|A).

2014-05-11 17:35:19 補充:
those 在上句的意思 是指那些持不同意見的人。

是 those people 的簡化。

2014-05-11 17:36:27 補充:

2014-05-13 18:53:18 補充:
Godfrey 講得好好~



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