What common documents / information should be shared in a company?

2014-05-10 6:04 am
I can only think of a few:

1) Company news
2) Guidelines for new employee
3) Important dates
4) People (e.g. list of colleagues and business partners including their contact information)
5) Forms (PDF forms that need to be printed often)
6) Computer-related information (e.g. IP address of the printer, list of useful software used by the company)
7) Useful websites (list of intranet or public websites that are often accessed)


回答 (1)

2014-05-10 5:08 pm
shared? with whom
certainly not employees unless the company has something in their employment agreement about what they will tell employees
as an employee you work as instructed for the number of hours assigned, you are paid for that work and you have complied with the terms of your employment as well as the employer has fulfilled his obligation to you, he doesn't have to share any additional information, he has no further obligation to you

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