Do Gemini men love to argue?!?

2014-05-09 6:16 pm
I ask that because I got into an argument with two Gemini men and both seem to find it attractive when I get upset and fuss at them. The first Gemini man had cut me off in the middle of my sentence when i was fussing at him and said "I know you're mad, but you sound so ****** sexy when you're mad". which made me even more upset! lol then the second one since they tend to give up easily and just run away like punks when they find out you're mad told me that he hates to ****** argue with me. My sun is in Leo, Moon in Aqarius, Mercury in Virgo, and Venus in Libra. Whats with therese guys?

回答 (4)

2014-05-09 8:29 pm
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If they are playing around such as debating with you to flirt YES... But NO they do not like to seriously get into arguments. Arguing is annoying and stressful. If you are arguing I suggest you need to take a break until you can both calm down and have a peaceful relationship. It should be fun! :) I'm an Aquarius, we get along perfectly with Geminis and we HATE arguing.. (but love being right).
2014-05-10 9:59 am
Yes ...
But if debate form.
Aquarius will fight and flare.... they are such divas
But Geminis will get violent or dismiss them selves when they lose a debate, they are not there for resolution but a prolonged debating defensive discussion.
2014-05-09 6:23 pm
No, We do not argue we simply tell whom ever the way things are going to be
2014-05-09 6:33 pm
Yeah some of them r like that... Especially men...I dated a Gemini guy... We would often argue lol... It was kinda fun sometimes....

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