
2014-05-09 8:17 am


回答 (5)

2014-05-09 9:36 am
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Two phrases used to be enough to tell people's concept of love: everlasting and never changing. Nonetheless, people are already looking differently on the topic of love - it should be all about experiencing something dramatic, feeling each other and making one's heart throbbing. To people nowadays, a relationship could be sparked any moment in their lives, and the essence of love is hence no longer how long a relationship lasts, but to enjoy the present.

I do not think there ever exists a perfect form of love or relationship. Because they are a continuous process full of ups and downs, challenges, joy and tears... any emotions, you name it. Hardly is it happy all the time from the very beginning to the end.

Talking about marriage, I do not simply regard it as a pure ceremony, but also a promise. Marriage should always be the next stop to two people who truly love each other and wish to be together for eternity. If not, however, they should really stop and think whether they still want to walk into the church together.
2014-05-23 10:26 am
2014-05-10 4:01 am
Previous notions of love that: "Love should last forever," "eternal," but now people have started to change, that love to intense enough, talk sense play is the heart. Modern love all the time are likely to encounter, therefore people think the length of their relationship is no longer important, the most important thing is when pleasures.
For me, love is not absolutely perfect being, nor any kind of relationship. Because all is a continuous period of history, there is a variety of undulating course, there are challenges, there is laughter and tears, the situation presents a variety of emotions, not all happy all the time.
The marriage, I think marriage is not just a ritual, it is a sincere commitment. As long as two people really love each other and want to be together forever, then the marriage is their next step. But if not, then I will continue to consider whether this step with him towards marriage.
參考: 自己
2014-05-10 3:24 am
View previous love says: "love should last forever", "timeless", but now people are starting to change, think love is intense enough, speak, play is a heartbeat. Every modern man may be experienced in love, therefore it is believed that the length between two people is no longer important, the most important thing is the xingle.For me love is not absolutely perfect, nor any kind of relationship. None is a continuous journey, there are all kinds of ups and downs in the course, there are challenges, there are tears of laughter have, different kinds of emotions, not all are happy.With regard to marriage, I believe that marriage is not just a ceremony, it is a commitment. If two people really love each other and want to be together forever, then marriage is their next step. But if not, then I will continue to consider whether this step with him for the marriage.
2014-05-09 3:04 pm
Talking about marriage, I don’t consider it purely as a ceremony, but also a promise to be kept. Marriage should be the next step for two people who truly love each other and wish to be together for eternity. If not, however, they should think over whether they still want to tie the knot eventually.

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