Living in Philippinès from HK?

2014-05-09 5:35 am
This sounds weird but Im a filipino but lived in Hong Kong my whole damn life, but i lived in PH for 2 years somewhere in my childhood to learn le language. So i know conversational tagalog.

I want to know if the high schools there speak english... i mean ofcourse they do, but I heard they quickly judge those who cant speak tagalog brokenly. Since in my whole life i only spoke tagalog at home and the rest is english. Im in my 4th year (senior) what grade would i be there? Im 17.

And if theres Forever 21 or HM in le malls, not that I shop like hell. Can i bring pruducts here in HK to philippines? Can i drive legally? (17yrs old).

Any extra details about living there would be appreciated :)


回答 (4)

2014-05-10 5:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
most universities in metro manila are fine with english language, i suggest going to upscale ones like ateneo or dlsu. there are forever 21 in some malls, i think HM is already opened up. you can bring products as long as its not illegal. driving alone here needs to be 18 yrs of age. if you are 17 you can drive but you need someone with professional license along with you.
2014-05-12 3:23 pm
If you're done with HS (since you're a senior) you could probably enroll in university.

You can drive here at 17. After you get your learner's permit, you have to take a written and actual driving test. (You can drive at this point, but you would need to have an adult with a professional license with you). Then after about a month, you get your driver's permit.

I'm not sure about bringing products with you, but there are a lot of malls with international brands such as Forever 21, Uniqlo, CottonOn, Topshop, etc here.
2014-05-11 12:24 am
Don't worry even kindergarten can speak English in Philippines f^^
2014-05-09 2:19 pm
depends if you are a Filipino citizen or even a dual citizen about the driving or living here.
Most likely you will be a senior here also. If you try to bring too many products esp if they are new then you will have problems with Customs taking your stuff.
Yes school can be in English but most students still speak Tagalog.

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