Donating money(15分!)

2014-05-08 7:35 am
I really want to help poor children in Africa by donating $ to them.
But I am just 17 I dont have a banking account and I think I cant make donations at this moment.
So I'm planning to begin making donations once I become 18.
I want to know more about this beforehand.
Please let me know about which charity is the best to donate, providing information on where will my donations go to, what is it for, and any other important details that I might need to know.

I know there are institutions which take the donations for uses other than helping the children directly, I want to know which institution will send the highest percentage of my donations directly to helping them.

Moreover, the plan should be affordable for me, I dont have much income..But Im willing to help them anyway..

Thank you so much!!! :)

回答 (1)

2014-05-09 10:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am very happy to want to help poor children.
There are institutions help poor children directly.
I give the institutions to you later.

2014-05-09 14:16:07 補充:
world vision Hong Kong(香港世界宣明會)has a plan to help a poor child by donating a certain anount of money each month.
You can see the details in this website:

2014-05-15 19:13:16 補充:
可聯絡捐助兒童會(save the children),每月捐助50元可幫助貧窮兒童,改變他們一生。可登入網頁:查詢細節安排。

2014-05-16 20:33:17 補充:
i think you can afford to pay $50 per month

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