[English] 句子修改

2014-05-06 8:20 pm
他已經第三次在寫作方面取得A GRAD 的分數

He had got A grade in third times in a row in writing aspect.


回答 (7)

2014-05-07 2:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
He had got an A in writing three times in a row.

其實你第二句無咩問題,只不過有啲字你寫得比較累贅,例如 A grade, writing aspect,可以寫成 A, writing。

He had got an A -> He had scored an A
in a row -> consecutively

2014-05-06 18:28:12 補充:
It was his third A in writing (這是他寫作的第三個A)
This was his third time of getting an A in writing (這是他第三次在作文拎A)
2016-03-05 4:21 am
I write to report you that on 3rd March 2016, I received a call from Ms. Ng King Chee, Hayley, a solicitor for Messrs. Godwin chan & Co., she said that she have instructed from Mr. Esser Alain to reply our letter dated 18 February 2016 and they are in the course of taking their client’s instruction thereon and request us to withhold further action.
2014-05-07 9:58 am
連續 3 次取得 grade A 可以說 ~

He got a grade A in writing three times in a row.
He got a grade A in writing for the third consecutive time.

grade A - 甲 (成績/功課 評分)

Boys A Grade = 男子A組/甲組 (香港校際田徑比賽分A組)

Out of five 回答者, 只有七瀨遙是對.
2014-05-07 3:09 am
It was the third time he got A in writing.
參考: own knowledge
2014-05-07 2:31 am
The first sentance has grammatical mistakes and you can change it into: He got an A grade three times in a row in writing aspect.
2014-05-07 1:16 am
IT IS The third time he has made ​​A GRAD in writing scores
2014-05-06 8:44 pm
He had got A grade 3 times in writing aspect.
It is cardinal number,a number such as 1,2,and 3 used to show quantity rather than order.
The ordinal number is a number that refers to the position of something in a series,for example "first", "second", "THIRD",etc.
Now it means consecutively adv.,following one after another in a series,eg:-
He had got A grade 3 times consecutively in writing aspect.
"aspect" means a particular part or feature of a situation, an idea,, a problem,etc; a way in which it may be considered.

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