Is this weird? I'm 14.?

2014-05-05 10:29 am
Is it weird that I'm 14 and I've never had a girlfriend? I'm 5'9" tall and 240 pounds. I'm fat but I'm good friends with everyone in the school. I have a lot of respect for women and never try to hurt them at all and I try to be nice to everyone. Most girls call me funny and sweet and a really nice guy but never had a girlfriend. I've also had a crush on this girl for almost 4 years. I don't ask her out because ik she'll say no so I just save myself the heartbreak.

回答 (7)

2014-05-05 11:03 am
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Hey dude :P I'm 18 now, and have only been with one guy who I've been with for coming up 2 years. My first kiss was at age 17. I'm kind of chubbyish, but hey, people that put other people down for their looks aren't the kind of people you want to be around or with anyway.
I see you've liked a girl for 4 years, that's a hell of a long time. Maybe you should tell her, yeah? Maybe she will turn you down, but maybe she won't. Life's literally too short for people to sit around and think about the "what if"s.
And if she turns you down, ask her why? Most probable answers: Too young (wait a couple more years in hope, then try again). Not ready (again, give her some time). Someone else (it's not good to wish people breaking up, but in your case that's all you can do). Don't like you in that way (maybe try harder to impress her? But always be yourself, never change yourself for someone else).
And if she has the audacity to say it's because of your appearance, then just leave it alone. She's not someone you want to be with.
If she says yes? Well done, have fun, be safe.
Wish you all the luck in the world with this, and it's not the end of the world to be with someone. It's not like it's a competition to have a girlfriend or not. Have one when it feels right. When you've met the right girl. Don't do it just because everyone else is doing it. And no offence - really - back when I was in school and people had those stupid flings in class when we were around 14 I was kind of grossed out. Being 14.. it's not legal to have sex or get married yet.

Other advice: don't listen to Lee. You could die tomorrow, yeah? Have fun, live life. Yeah do your schoolwork, but don't put everything into it. These really are the best days of your life, I wasted mine.
2014-05-05 5:32 pm
No. So many people ask this, and I always say get your priorities straight because at your age learning and education are all that matters.
2014-05-05 5:44 pm
Most of my classmates didn't have a relationship in their teenage years, so it's not weird if you don't have a girlfriend. Also, people who love you won't judge your appearance or other social flaws. I think it's best for you to wait until you find yourself your true love. Try to ask the girl indirect questions (E.g: Does she have a crush on someone?) to know whether she likes you or not. If she doesn't, there's still many people you can choose from to be your girlfriend, so go for it! You may regret later if you don't take the chance.
2014-05-05 5:42 pm
There's like heaps of people asking this so it's not weird. You dont need to be so desperate about getting one, just stick with ur friends, talk to girls. If they call u funny, sweet and rlly nice, tht's like heaps good, cuz there's guys out there who's not even like that. don't worry if ur a bit fat or anything, it doesn't rlly matter. oh and crushes dont always turn out right.. well it's really bad, bt hope tht helped a bit xD
2014-05-05 5:39 pm
Awwww! Well, I'm a girl, and I didn't get my first kiss or my first bf till I was eighteen. I'm not bad-looking or anything, I was just super hung up on my crush... long story.

I definitely was a bit of an anomaly, but not completely far out there. 14 is totally normal. I'd say most of my friends had never had a boy/girlfriend at that age.
2014-05-05 5:36 pm
firstly it isnt weird if your 14 with no girl.. i got a girl when i was 15 and my friends still dont have one so chill. And secondly, dont be afraid to ask her. hang out with her for sometime, dont stalk her, just be good friends and you can ask her out and just share how you feel.

dont be afraid to give it a go.
2014-05-05 5:37 pm
Send me a pic and ill give u advice send it to my yahoo email [email protected]

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