Why does this guy keep appearing around me?

2014-05-05 10:19 am
The guy I really like and I were finishing our class project and leaving when I accidentally left a paper in the room and he said he would bring it for me after lunch, which he did.
He came and found me and gave it to me and asked how I was too, then he asked when I would be in class again.
And he came over to help me and my friends when we were carrying some tables.
Then later we were leaving and I was with a friend and I said bye to this guy I like and that was that...BUT then we were at the bus stop and he was already there! I said how did you get here so fast haha?...it was weird he was there already.
Does he like me, why does he keep appearing around me, why does he do that?
Update : He does lots of other things like wants to know my type
of guy and has walked me to class twice too when I wasn't feeling well, and he always talks to me when I see him.

回答 (4)

2014-05-05 10:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
He likes you for sure
And if you like him too then talk to him
And exchange numbers
And try to know each other more
All the best
2014-05-05 5:56 pm
Okay so it sounds like this guy likes you because I've had the same kind of experience but he wouldn't talk to me until a month ago when he started to message my friend say that he love me and really wanted to meet me but anyway back on to you this does kind of seem like he likes you because he's trying to get to know you. if I were you I would try to find out if he likes you.
You could do this by asking him straight or you could do it in a kind of secretive way its up to you really but I would either just go with what happens or ask him xx
2014-05-05 5:43 pm
TAKE THE HINT! He likes you, he likes you a lot. How could he be any more obvious? The real question is, how do you feel about him? If you like him too, don't remain blind to his smoke signals or he will think you don't like him and stop trying.

How do you send him the right signals now? You don't want to appear too eager or desperate, so move slowly, but move now. Pay attention to what he is showing you about himself. Find out what his favorite foods are and learn how to cook some of them, then bring some leftovers with you to class and offer him some. Be appreciative of him when he helps and pay him compliments for his efforts. Be charming towards him whenever you see him and don't be afraid to touch him gently when he is within reach. I don't mean grab his crotch, but it is amazing how much information can be transferred about your feelings just by letting your fingertips trace their way down the muscles of his upper arm.

Don't be shy around him or think you will attract him by playing hard to get. Look him in the eyes when you speak to him and smile at him. If you do all or even a few of things confidently around him, you should be getting an invitation to have dinner with him or attend some social function within a week.

What a lot of young men and women don't realize is that if you "really like"someone but you hide that fact out of shyness or insecurity, your fear is just making you lie to them about who you really are and what you really want. This is a deception, and you can't build a healthy relationship on a foundation of fear or falsehoods. Confidence and honesty are the two things that are at the base of any healthy relationship, and that are missing from every one that isn't healthy.

Best of luck and I hope you two are successful together!
2014-05-05 5:29 pm
I think he purposely kept on bumping into you, is because he likes you, and wants to get to know you better. When guys are having a crush on someone, they will try to get your attention or do stuff just to communicate with you. You can try to ask questions indirectly to know whether he likes you the next time you see him. Hope that helps! :)

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