Help! What would you do if you were in my situation? Should I go to the restaurant?

2014-05-05 3:44 am
So I have been trying online dating for about four months but really no luck. When I was first signed up this guy messaged me and said I looked very familiar but turns out it was because my ex and I (bf at the time) would always eat there at this restaurant that he bartends at. We text off and on but live about an hour away and never have met up before. But he will text me about once every other week so just see how I am doing. Anyways my ex wants to work things out and he thought we should go to my favorite restaurant this week to go out to dinner and talk. I mean it is my fav restaurant but I know that guy is working so he will see me, should I send him a text and just tell him the truth or pick a different restaurant im getting tired of not going there because of the guy.

回答 (1)

2014-05-05 3:49 am
why bother??? neither of you are at all interested in each other romantically so why would going to the place he works be uncomfortable ---- please dont say you are interested ---- you say you are an hour away and he texts you once a fortnight ---- thats really romantic isnt it???
if you really liked each other an hour would be nothing and you would be seeing each other as often as possible and when not seeing each other talking (not texting) --- so go to the restaurant and dont worry about him

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:29:26
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