How to win an Aries' heart?

2014-05-04 12:38 pm
Ok so this is a Libra girl - Aries girl affair.
I'm Libra and I think I have fallen for an Aries girl. She's older than me like for 6 months.

She's sometimes cool and distant but mostly passionate and cheerful.
We are not too close (same set in 2 classes) but we have messaged each other before and she always replies me zealously, sometimes she comments on my FB photo with two of us only (Name) + <3333333 (coz I tagged her). She doesn't do this to everybody. She appreciates my works and a few times I wowed her.

I like her personality and physical appearance (appearance more but they're close :p).

Should I hint more or just treat her as usual how I treat her?

回答 (5)

2014-05-05 1:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm an Aries girl so let me tell u a little about us. We like the chase. Its what gets us going so don't act to interested we get bored easily. We like mysterious peolple. If we like u and u keep a lot to urself it drives us nuts and we want to know. What we want we usually get. I know that sounds vain ...but if we c something we like we r going after it full throttle. We r blunt. We don't beat around the bush.we love compliments. We r very sexual. If we open up to u its like we r giving u a part of our soul . Ie...we must love u to let inside. Once we love u u r on a pedestal. No-one else can get to us. We love hard and passionatly.we have quick tempers . Its hard to keep us satisfied sexually so if we find someone who turns are world upside down we aren't letting u go..I hope this helps :)
2014-05-04 2:33 pm
Aries don't really like Libras in my experience, probably because they are your opposite sign.
2014-05-06 7:23 am
I agree with @ariesgurl ...
參考: (Aries)
2014-05-04 7:19 pm
Be honest.
2014-05-04 7:12 pm
Hard too.

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