What should one wear to San Fransisco in the fall?

2014-05-04 9:46 am
I will be going on vacation to San Fransisco, CA and as well as Los Angeles in the fall and I was wondering what type of clothing to bring . What is the temperature like in California in October? I have only been to southern California in late August and it was pretty warm. Living here in the Midwest (Northwestern Indiana) it's much cooler in the 40 degree to 50 degree range. Please share any tips of what to bring as far as clothing goes. Thank you in advanced.

回答 (4)

2014-05-04 11:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Weather forecasts are usually accurate for about a week before your travel based on current weather patterns at the time but generally San Francisco gets its warmer weather in the Fall because there is clear weather then without fog. For most of California, activities don't require formal clothes so bring comfortable clothes appropriate for the weather and activities you have planned. You should bring clothes that can be worn in different combinations so you don't have to pack a lot of different outfits and you can always wash your clothes while in either city. It's a good idea to have some comfortable walking shoes for getting around and seeing things.

Both San Francisco and Los Angeles have rather expensive parking in downtown; San Francisco is better for getting around by public transportation since BART, MUNI street cars and buses, and commuter trains give you more options for getting around than the Metro, RTD and other bus systems in Los Angeles do because public transportation in L.A. don't go to as many places, or takes a long time to get around by bus.
參考: Lived in both areas for a long time.
2014-05-05 2:11 am
The fall is warmer than the summer in the city of San Francisco.
2014-05-05 9:24 am
I live in SF now, and have for years now. I work outdoors and am fond of saying, in SF, we let October stay just about as long as she likes - it is THE month for visiting. Warm, clear, still, and deliciously smoky. October is what keeps me in San Francisco. You can't really go wrong with April, either.

Every other month is a grade AA crapshoot.

Pack as though you were visiting Illinois in the late Spring. And bring a raincoat.
2014-05-05 6:22 am
Fall is warmer here than in the Summer due to the Santa Anna winds. LA= upper seventies and low eighties and SF=sixties and seventies with sunshine. Have Fun! Both great cities

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