any luck at all~到底是幸運還是不幸

2014-05-05 6:21 am
按照書面上下文解釋 ~翻為"幸運的是" 會比較邏輯性 但我去查了國外的資料 卻有著"不是好運 但也不是壞運(不管有無運氣成份??)"的這個說法 到底該怎麼解釋呢 麻煩高手解答(確定答案的再幫忙唷 ^^) 感恩

回答 (4)

2014-05-05 10:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
應該要看各個句子的意思。luck 本身是運氣,有就是正面,沒有就負面。但是看片語組成來判斷句意才能論斷。

1. Any luck at all? 當問題。常常是問『手氣如何?』譬如賭博,釣魚,打電動玩具。問 Any luck at all? 等於是問有沒有贏錢進賬?有沒有釣到魚?有沒有得分?

2. 常常連用 為 with any luck at all 意思大概是:"如果走運的話"
With any luck at all, I'll be paid tomorrow. 真的走運的話,我明天可以領到錢。(意思是,可能性不高)

3. 常用說法:If it wasn't for bad luck, I would not have any luck at all.

如果版主的句子不在上列之中,請 PO 上來,再設法解。
2014-05-05 7:44 am
"Any luck at all" could be posted as a question:

A calling B:

Every thing is so slow today in NYC.
Any luck at all, in TPE? = are you better off in Taipei?
2014-05-05 7:25 am
If you want it to mean "沒有運氣", you need to say:

There is not any luck at all (or there is NO luck at all).

"any luck at all" doesn't indicate "there is" or "there is not".

2014-05-04 23:25:52 補充:
However, if you want it to mean "一點運氣", you can use:

With a little luck, I might win the lottery.
2014-05-05 6:43 am


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