Why is being quiet a bad thing if that is how you are.You can work 100 hrs.a wk.and be a productive member of society,but that doesn't..?

2014-05-03 2:54 pm

回答 (10)

2014-05-03 3:00 pm
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Be proud of who you are and don't worry about it. We can not spend our lives trying to be something we're not. There is nothing wrong with being either quiet or loud.
2014-05-03 3:10 pm
Maybe you should be a Buddhist monk, take the vow of silence
2014-05-03 3:09 pm
FTW, be who you wanna be. do want you wanna do, yeaaah be who you are,
you live with yourself.
Work is work and if teamwork is important then be a team player.
on the other side they may want to get to know you and feel threatened as you are QUIET.... tell them when you're at work, WORK is your focus, not sheet from outside.
2014-05-03 3:08 pm
Nothing wrong with being quiet, and I say this as one of those people who mostly can't shut up. (One time, my sister-in-law and daughter locked me out of her apartment because I couldn't shut up LOL!) You know what they say: Still waters run deep :)
2014-05-03 3:03 pm
I'm a quiet person. For some reason, it was harder as a child. Maybe people expect children to be exuberant? I like to think before I speak, and especially the older I get, try to speak only when it will add to the conversation. I am *terrible* at small talk, LOL!

Being a quiet person has never really hindered me in life. I have a job I'm good at and can be friendly and social there when I need to be.
2014-05-03 3:02 pm
Some people see that as being "aloof", especially in the work-place. Sometimes you have to act fake to "get ahead".

I work 3rd-shift, 2 days a week, and I like being in my own bubble. That would probably be a good thing for you if you're like me.(working 3rd-shift)
2014-05-03 3:01 pm
There is NOTHING wrong with being quite. Some of the loud mouths should give it a try. They are SOOO grating!!!!

Is this the quite community you speak of?
2014-05-03 3:00 pm
Like most things, moderation is best = not too quiet, not too extrovert.
2014-05-03 2:58 pm
Oh, I'm quiet. It bothered the people I work with, they are ALWAYS talking and listening to the radio, but they got used to it.
Some people think you are being rude or unfriendly, but I just don't have much to say.
2014-05-03 2:57 pm
Seems like you live in a society where being loud is valued and quietness is looked down upon. In mine it's the reverse, loud people are looked as strange and being quiet is the norm. It's purely cultural which of the two people value over the other.

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