
2014-05-04 5:48 am

由於有幾間店舖未能在5/apr前把所有文件交回寫字樓, 因此, 我們不能在7/apr完成3月份公司closing工作, 需要延遲一天完成

回答 (8)

2014-05-04 2:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
由於有幾間店舖未能在5/apr前把所有文件交回寫字樓, 因此, 我們不能在7/apr完成3月份公司closing工作, 需要延遲一天完成

翻譯:As a few of the shops were unable to return all the necessary documents to the office before April 5, we could not complete the work for the March closing of the company on April 7 and had to postpone it by one day.
2014-05-07 3:25 am
Because there are a few shops failed to 5/Apr before all the documents to the Office, so we cannot complete the March 7/Apr companies closing, delayed one day
2014-05-06 6:43 pm
The translation from C/E:-
Owing to a few branch-shops failed to submit all the documents before 5th April to the (main ) office, we cannot complete the company's complete closing for March on 7th April, and therefore have to delay (to postpone an account) the concluding closing date by one day.
2014-05-06 2:10 am
Because there are several shops failed to return all files before 5/apr office, so we can not be completed in March the company closing in 7/apr, to be delayed one day to complete
2014-05-05 7:19 am
we need to extend the deadline by one day because we can't finish the 'Company Closing job' for march before 7th of april, due to the fact that some of the subordinary store delayed to send the full copy of required document to the head office.


2014-05-04 23:21:28 補充:
2014-05-04 4:35 pm
由於有幾間店舖未能在5/apr前把所有文件交回寫字樓, 因此, 我們不能在7/apr完成3月份公司closing工作, 需要延遲一天完成
Owing to the delay, the documents of several branch shops can't return to our main office prior to April 5th this year and as the result, we aren't able to finish March-documentary work on April 7th; therefore we have to postpone that for one day.
參考: Partly according to ” The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation ” published by Oxford University Press in 1975
2014-05-04 6:18 am
Owing to a few stores unable to submit all necessary documents before April 5 to the office, we cannot finish the company's closing for March on April 7 and must postpone the finish date by one day.
2014-05-04 6:13 am
Since there are some shops can't give all of the documents to office before 5thApril.
Therefore, we can't hand in the company closing work on time, we need to hand in the work one day later.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 22:10:25
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