
2014-05-04 5:36 am

物流部告知此產品型號#C990已在15/4送給客人, 但陳生批准此筆貨款可在5月份付款

回答 (7)

2014-05-04 2:50 pm
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物流部告知此產品型號#C990已在15/4送給客人, 但陳生批准此筆貨款可在5月份付款
翻譯:Despite the Logistics Department's confirmation that delivery of Product Item No. #C990 to the clients was effected on April 15 , Mr Chan has approved that payment for the delivered goods can be made in May.
2014-05-06 6:20 am
Logistics Department told this Model # C990 has been sent to the guests at 15/4, but Mr Chan approve this pen money can be paid in May

2014-05-05 22:21:51 補充:
參考: Dictionary
2014-05-06 2:12 am
Logistics Department told this Model # C990 has been sent to the guests at 15/4, but Mr Chan approve this pen money can be paid in May
2014-05-05 12:25 am
Date: xxx

Dear xxx

Logistics department has confirmed that style C990 was delivered to customer on 14 April but Mr Chan approves payment in May not April.

Thanks and look forward to having your reply

Best regards,
2014-05-04 8:40 pm
It is being informed that by the Logistics Departmentthat this Model # C990 has been sent to the guests at 15/4, but Mr Chan approve that this sum of money can be paid in May
2014-05-04 4:58 pm
物流部告知此產品型號#C990已在15/4送給客人, 但陳生批准此筆貨款可在5月份付款
According the Logistic Department, the Pattern #C990 product had delivered to the customer on April 15th; whereas Mr. Chan has confirmed that the sum of payment will be payable in May this year.
參考: Partly according to ” The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation ” published by Oxford University Press in 1975
2014-05-04 6:00 am
It is notified by the Logistics Department that the product of model #C990 has already been delivered to the client on April 15. But Mr Chan has permitted the payment to be made in May.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 21:18:44
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