
2014-05-02 10:37 pm
do you agree that if Jesus was alive today running around telling people he was the son of god we would put him in a mental health facility?

回答 (14)

2014-05-02 10:37 pm
2014-05-02 10:46 pm
Jesus is Omnipresent., He is alive and in the Earth today.
He said " Any 2 gather in my name , there i am also.
2014-05-02 10:45 pm
well they KILLED him last time for
2014-05-02 10:38 pm
No, just you
2015-10-06 2:47 am
Before if he were going to do that ,but in reallity he will never do such an evil thing,then you should put all those people of the world who call Jesus the son of GOD, for the last two centenaries in to what you call mental health facility.It is logic is not it.
2014-05-03 1:54 am
Unless God lets it happen, you can't because God is Sovereign and controls everything.
2014-05-02 10:50 pm
Of course not. That does not obviously sound like a mental disease, or at the very least does not sound like a mental disease that would prompt *incarceration* in a mental institution.

Acetek is correct - there are plenty of people telling others that they are Jesus reincarnated or God's biological son - and some of them are quite successful because of it.
2014-05-02 10:50 pm
Yes I believe you guys would try it, but Jesus would call the angels and BOOM he's safe in heaven.Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? Matthew 26:53 Also he healed and helped many people. If you want to put a man who's healing people, cured many diseases, raised people's loved ones back from dead in the mental health facility just 'cause he says he's God's son who really is the one who is mental sir? Case closed.
2014-05-02 10:47 pm
He'd be jailed for public disturbance, unauthorized gathering in Central Park, etc. Later, jailed for 'sedition'.
But if he started working miracles, religious leaders somewhere would term him the antichrist and try to kill him, etc. Actual threats to power, like Christ, provoke strong reactions.
2014-05-02 10:44 pm
Yes because those of us who are doing the exact work he did and preaching the exact same message in the exact same way are acused of:

being a cult
being against the government
breaking up families
being fanatics

Just as Jesus and his followers were.
2014-05-02 10:43 pm
one of the reasons why I ditched religion. all of the stuff in the old testament and even the new testament wouldn't fly if it happened today. nowadays, if some dude went up to a mountain and came back claiming he had talked to god and god had given him ten commandments that we all need to live by, not one person would take him seriously.
2014-05-02 10:38 pm
Your question is moot as He died and was risen centuries ago....................He gave Himself for you, even if you do not care a rat's nest for Him
2014-05-02 10:38 pm
Disagree, not after all the observed miracles.
2014-05-02 10:38 pm
He is alive. And many people go around telling people that they are the son of god. no one seems to care.

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