
2014-05-03 3:44 am
1. 有沒有人曾透過academic asia到英國留學?這個agency好嗎(不好的話有甚麼好介紹)?大概會test甚麼?

2. 如從未在港讀M2, 到英國讀pure maths(中六開始)能應付嗎?

3. 英國A level是否要讀4科?有何選擇?哪些比較熱門?

4. 英國一般有多少學校假期?

5. 英國的英文考試一般考些甚麼?

回答 (3)

2014-05-03 5:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1. 有沒有人曾透過academic asia到英國留學?這個agency好嗎(不好的話有甚麼好介紹)?大概會test甚麼?

>> 好多人都係搵呢個agent 既 (至少身邊既朋友好多都係), 冇話好唔好既, 都有好多既agent 可以幫你介紹學校, 同時你亦可以先去睇一睇7/8月果d 升學展先去搵學校, 因為如果你就咁走入去搵agent 的話,佢只會俾幾間你揀 (因為好多時會同agent 有connection), 變左會入到一d 比較多hk人既學校. 如果自己先睇左, 再同agent 講, 你想入果間果間果間的話, 咁會比較好.

2. 如從未在港讀M2, 到英國讀pure maths(中六開始)能應付嗎?

>> 英國係冇pure maths, 佢只有maths 同further maths, 如果你既數底本身ok 的話, 咁maths 應該係可以handle 的, 如果你冇讀m2 而想讀futher maths 的話, 會難. 如果你大學唔係想讀一d 同數有關既科, 咁其實係冇必要揀further maths 的.

3. 英國A level是否要讀4科?有何選擇?哪些比較熱門?

>> 係, AS 讀4科, 之後係A2 drop 走一科, 你諗到既科都有得揀 (如英文, 數, science, geog, history, art, food technology, drama, music, textiles, media, econ, business, accounting等), 當然, 有一d 比較specific 既科, 如media 咁, 就唔係間間學校都有, 呢個亦要係搵學校時間問下的.

4. 英國一般有多少學校假期?

>> 唔似hk 會有公眾假期, 一般黎講, 大假有easter, summer 同xmas, 而係每個term 中間會有一個星期既half term, 係假黎既, boarding house 會唔開, 你要去guardian 度又或是係番hk.

5. 英國的英文考試一般考些甚麼?

>> 如果你係黎升中6的話, 一般唔建議揀, 因為英文唔同hk 既英文, 冇listening, 但係要寫essay 同睇literature 再寫essay. 而且入大學唔一定要gce 英文, 用ielts 即可. 好少hk 人會揀英文, 因為handle 唔黎, 同埋要求會比hk 既高 (你試諗諗係英國既英文, 而唔係hk 既英文, 佢地既expectation 都會高一d).

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2014-07-12 10:55 pm
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2014-05-08 1:01 am
1. many hk people apply uk schools through academic asia. it is the largest agentcy in hong kong with 30 history.It holds several exhibitions for student with different levels to apply for uk schools. the most famous event is called the UK Shools week which many top uk schools will gather there all at once. If you want to get into much better schools in UK you have to apply by yourself and take the entrance exam and interview in that school. Actually you are competing with local students that your chance would be greater than compete with schools which are famous in HK.

2.That's okay. you can take the igcse exam to prepare yourself before studying there. you can also take a look at the gce paper through website such as edexcel

3.YES,there are many subjects you can choose from all depends on your school. Some subjects, which are called facilitating subjects tend to be hot subjects as universities would consider those studying facilitating subject first such as Science subjects,history,english and economics.

5. normally essay type question.you have to show your personal comment with organised explanation.

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