✔ 最佳答案
教練The coach
要求asked/required (教練"requested"似乎太過客氣,不合用)
學生the students
每月完成多少訓練amount of training to be completed/number of training sessions to be completed in a month ("number of training"是錯的,因為training是uncountable noun)
Sample translations:
"The coach required the students setting a target for the amount of training to be completed in a month."
"The coach asked the students to set a target for the amount of training sessions to be completed in a month."
2014-05-02 12:38:41 補充:
可以說 「設立一個訓練班」-set up a training class, 但不可說 「設立一個目標」- set up a target 是錯的;要說 「設定一個目標」--set a target。
2014-05-02 13:44:37 補充:
如果是箭靶這種實物目標才可用set up a (archery) target。
2014-05-02 13:45:21 補充:
set up an archery target, set up a shooting target