
2014-05-01 8:13 pm

我已問左公司電腦部只有16gb的memory stick USB存貨, 價錢暫時未知。
而我在街外店舖查詢,現最少容量的usb為8gb 和16gb, 價錢分別為$32和$56。

回答 (2)

2014-05-01 10:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have asked the IT department, who replied they had only got the 16GB USB memory sticks in stock and the price was still not known yet.

I have also checked the shops out there, and found that 8GB and 16GB are currently the smallest memory sizes of USB memory sticks available in the market. These two kinds of USB memory sticks are selling at $32 and $56 respectively.
2014-05-01 9:00 pm

I have already inquired the Computer Department of our company where there is only 16GB memory strick (USB) in stock, however its price is still unknown.
By the way, I checked from accessories stores elsewhere,the current minimum memories of USB available are 8GB and 16GB, there price is $32 and $56 respectively.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 21:21:29
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